Queering the Interior premiered at the Civic Theatre on Wednesday night to a multi-generational full house of 2SLGBTQ+ folks and long-time allies in our community. The outpouring of appreciation for the film and the folks in it has been truly moving.A man, who is now happily married to his husband and living in San Francisco and who grew up in Nelson, wrote me to say that hearing the sounds of the first pride parades from his house in Rosemount and seeing the banner over Baker Street kept him from taking his own life and gave him hope that he could eventually find a life outside his abusive and homophobic family. He was back in town for a quick visit and caught the screening.To all of you who work hard to live your life authentically – you don’t always see the impact, but it is there. No marginalized community can be complacent, as we look to the darkness in the States today as a vey loud warning bell. Keep connected to each other and keep moving forward. See the 10 minute version here. Ask Nelson Museum for how to screen the full 45 minute version.
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