"WILDFIRE RISK REDUCTION VIDEO SERIES" Harrop Procter Community Forest - Promotional, 7 part series
This is one of several short films about community wildfire protection created for the Harrop Proctor Community Forest. We hear stories from the people on the front lines of managing the fuel in the forest, from residents, engaged community members, fire protection officials. Experts share both the historical approach to and current best practices for land management, ecosystem resilience and fuel treatments as we deal with the increasing threat of climate change.
"MANY WAYS TO GIVE" The KOOP - Promotional, 3:23
Produced by the folks at The Koop - a cooperative of social service organizations in our region, this 'Many Ways to Give' was made to promote volunteer and donor recruitment for KBCSC members and features Arrow & Slocan Lakes Community Services, @Columbia Basin Family Resource Society, Kootenay Kids Society, Kootenay Career Development Society, and Salmo Community Services. Directed and edited by Amy Bohigian, Camera by Carlo Alcos and Original Music by Ben Euerby. Produced in 2021.
Watershed Productions worked with Kootenay Outdoor Recreation Enterprise Initiative - KORE to create this video highlighting the opportunities of e-recreation here in the Kootenays. It features Alex Ibbotson and Jenny Bateman riding e-bikes in Kimberley BC. Edited by Amy Bohigian, Camera by Bohdan Doval, and Original Music by Ben Euerby. Produced in 2021.
"LOOKING BEYOND" City of Trail - Photovoice, 6:33
The City of Trail engaged Watershed Productions Inc. to help address the stigma that their most vulnerable citizens have faced. We invited folks with lived experience of substance abuse to take photos and record their stories. We worked with ANKORS, Interior Health and the City of Trail to produce this 7-minute video ‘Looking Beyond’ featuring Lisa, Cash, Jeff and Ryan. The project was facilitated by Amy Bohigian and Amber Streukens, with visual effects by Jason Williams and original music by Ben Euerby. Produced in 2021.
"FORMING THE TRUST: The History of Columbia Basin Trust - Documentary, 10:24
Watershed Productions was honoured to tell the story of the formation of the Columbia Trust; how people in the Columbia Basin came together to change their future. Hear directly from the founding and former directors, representatives from the Ktunaxa Nation, and other key members that played an important role in the creation of the Trust. Together, they take us on the journey of how the stars aligned to help them keep their promises to the people of the Basin and return benefits to the region. Directed and Edited by Amy Bohigian, Camera by Bohdan Doval, Original Music by Ben Euerby, Location Sound by Scott Humphries, Sound Edit and Mix by Geoff Gibbs. Produced in 2021.
"LOU LYNN: GOVERNOR GENERAL AWARD WINNER 2021" Canada Council - Portrait, 3:36
This video portrait of Lou Lynn - GG Award Winner for Visual and Media Arts - was commissioned by Canada Council as part of their series featuring each year's winners through the eyes of filmmakers across Canada. A true master at her craft; Lou's precision, focus, professionalism, originality and kindness are embodied by her work and her way of being. Directed and Edited by Amy Bohigian, Camera by Bohdan Doval, Original Music by Ben Euerby and Photography by Janet Dwyer. Produced in 2021.

"MISSING VOICES" Touchstones Museum of Art and History, 15 Part Video Series
'Missing Voices' is a multi-part video series we produced in partnership with Touchstones Nelson - Museum of Art and History that takes you into the lives of 15 individuals whose experiences and histories have yet to be represented at our regional museum. Watch it here.
Special thanks to: Fred Wah, Cindy Henderson, Basil Fuller, Shayna Young, Todd Veri, Christopher Moore, Keiko Fitz-Earle, Penny Nordquist, Merv Helle, Ernest Hekkanen, Natalie Fleury, Estelle Pensiero, Marie-Paule Berthiaume, Anonymous participant, and George Koochin. Directed and Edited by Amy Bohigian, Camera by Carlo Alcos, and Original Music by Ben Euerby. Made with the generous support of the Vancouver Foundation. Produced in 2020/21.

"BOARD RECRUITMENT VIDEO SERIES" Kootenay Boundary Community Services Cooperative, 6 Part Video Series
This series was made for Kootenay Boundary Community Services Cooperative to inspire you to volunteer for your favourite non-profit. Videos feature the work of FreedomQuest, Kutenai Art Therapy Institute, Kootenay Family Place, Nelson Community Services, North Kootenay Lake Community Services Society and Nelson CARES. Special thanks to Kathy Hartman, Kiara Lynch, Rebecca Vassilakakis, Lena Horswill, Marta Abel, Phyllis Nash, Neil Timothy Johnson for sharing their passion for volunteering in their communities. Directed and Edited by Amy Bohigian, Camera by Carlo Alcos, and Original Music by Ben Euerby. Check them out here: https://thekoop.ca/board-recruitment/ Produced in 2020/21.

"SAFE KIDS AND YOUTH COORDINATED RESPONSE VIDEO" Kootenay Boundary Community Services Cooperative, Animated Informational Video, 4:38
This animated informational video was made to raise awareness about the rural specific model for reporting child abuse called SKY. Safe Kids and Youth Coordinated Response Team is here in the Kootenays. Directed and Edited by Amy Bohigian (Vyond software), narrated by Sydney Black and Lucas Myers, and original music by Ben Euerby at Knome Studios. Produced in 2020/21.
"MIYO MORI" Touchstones Museum of Art and History - Capturing Art and History, Multi-Part Part Video Series
The Capturing Art and History program is an ongoing documentary filmmaking project which documents the diversity of local cultural, social and environmental histories and the beauty of artistic practice in the region. In this short film Miyo Mori tells her story about her family's internment in the Slocan Valley and the decades that followed. Directed and Edited by Amy Bohigian, Illustrations by Kikuno Major, Animation by Bryan Webb and Original Music by Ben Euerby. Produced in 2019.
"YOSH TAGAMI" Touchstones Museum of Art and History - Capturing Art and History, Multi-Part Part Video Series
The Capturing Art and History program is an ongoing documentary filmmaking project which documents the diversity of local cultural, social and environmental histories and the beauty of artistic practice in the region. In this short film Yosh Tagami tells his story about his family's internment in the Slocan Valley and the decades that followed. Directed and Edited by Amy Bohigian, Animation by Bryan Webb and Original Music by Ben Euerby. Produced in 2019.
"EVERY DAY. FULLY CHARGED." Community Energy Association/Emotive/Province on BC - Electric Vehicle Promotional, 9 Part Video Series
Watershed teamed up with Community Energy Association, Emotive and the Province of BC to create a series of winter electric vehicle driving videos. Thousands of Canadians enjoy their EVs through the winter months, these videos showcase those drivers and were inspired by their lifestyles. Featuring Nelson locals Lisel Forst and Sydney Black as competitive neighbours trying to get first chair and fresh tracks at Whitewater Ski Hill, the series also includes Andrew Chewter and Clinton Swanson signing the praises of their locally driven electric vehicles. Directed, produced and edited by Amy Bohigian, Camera by Bohdan Doval, Original Music by Ben Euerby. Produced in 2020.
This video from ANKORS produced by Watershed Productions takes us inside Nelson's Overdose Prevention Site. Vera Horsman - OPS Coordinator, Amber Struekens - Peer Navigator, and Cheryl Dowden - Executive Director speak to how the OPS works within the harm reduction model, provides a range of services to people who use drugs from all backgrounds and works to build community for those considered most vulnerable in our community. Funded by Community Action Initiative, this video was made to educate the general public about the OPS and give voice to the those that use and manage the services there. Shot and edited by Amy Bohigian with original music by Ben Euerby.
"ROAD TRIPS IN EVERY TEMPERATURE" Community Energy Association/Emotive/Province on BC - Electric Vehicle Promotional, 9 Part Video Series
Watershed teamed up with Community Energy Association, Emotive and the Province of BC to create a series of winter electric vehicle driving videos. Thousands of Canadians enjoy their EVs through the winter months, these videos showcase those drivers and were inspired by their lifestyles. Featuring Nelson locals Lisel Forst and Sydney Black as competitive neighbours trying to get first chair and fresh tracks at Whitewater Ski Hill. The series also includes Andrew Chewter and Clinton Swanson signing the praises of their locally driven electric vehicles. Directed, produced and edited by Amy Bohigian, Camera by Bohdan Doval, Original Music by Ben Euerby. Produced in 2020.
"THE MURAL PROJECT" ANKORS BC - Awareness Raising, 3:04
This video from ANKORS produced by Watershed Productions delves into how the new murals in the Overdose Prevention site were created. Local artists Kelly Shpeley and Indica are interviewed about their work and Vera Horsman, the OPS Coordinator, speaks to the OPS as a community hub. Funded by Community Action Initiative, Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance, Columbia Basin Trust, this video was made to educate the general public about the OPS and give voice to the those that use and manage the services there. Directed, shot and edited by Amy Bohigian with original music by Ben Euerby. Produced in 2020.
"THE ELECTRIC VEHICLE EXPERIENCE - BEAUTY OF A WINTER DRIVE" Community Energy Association/Emotive/Province on BC - Electric Vehicle Promotional, 9 Part Video Series
Watershed teamed up with Community Energy Association, Emotive and the Province of BC to create a series of winter electric vehicle driving videos. Thousands of Canadians enjoy their EVs through the winter months, these videos showcase those drivers and were inspired by their lifestyles. Featuring Nelson locals Lisel Forst and Sydney Black as competitive neighbours trying to get first chair and fresh tracks at Whitewater Ski Hill. The series also includes Andrew Chewter and Clinton Swanson signing the praises of their locally driven electric vehicles. Directed, produced and edited by Amy Bohigian, Camera by Bohdan Doval, Original Music by Ben Euerby. Produced in 2020.
"FULL SCOPE OF LIFE!" KB Doctors - Promotional, 2:51
This physician recruitment video for KB Doctors features a cast of Nelson characters, including Lucas Myers as the hyper and loveable Chief of Staff and his team of physicians and nurses at the hospital played by Cate Baio, Lindsay Clague, Travis Hauck, Matt Nuttall with cameos by your favourite local (real) doctors. Directed, produced and edited by Amy Bohigian, Written by Deryn Collier, Camera by Colin Burwell, Original Music by Ben Euerby. Produced in 2019.

"VOICE OF NELSON" Touchstones Museum of Art and History - Capturing Art and History, Multi-Part Part Video Series
Voices of Nelson, a 15 minute film, explores what draws people to Nelson today, creating a ‘living history’ for future generations to understand the evolution of Nelson and the Kootenays. Filmmakers Amy Bohigian and Lynn Trinh set up cameras at Whitewater Ski Hill, Pulpit Rock, and in a downtown alley for one day each looking to engage a range of individuals and families willing to share their perspectives on topics that explore the identity of Nelson in relationship to who lives here. Original Music by Ben Euerby. Produced in 2018.
"OLYMPIC DREAMS" Canadian Olympic Committee/TECK Coaching Series - Promotional, 1:56
Local young athletes and community members recently had the unique opportunity to hear from three-time Olympian and Olympic champion Beckie Scott and former national cross-country skiing coach Justin Wadsworth at the 2019 Teck Coaching Series with Team Canada / Équipe Canada in Rossland, BC. Directed and produced by Amy Bohigian, Camera and Edit by Bohdan Doval, Original Music by Ben Euerby. Produced in 2019.
“BEYOND THE STIGMA OF DRUG USE” – Awareness Campaign, 5 Part Video Series
This video series works to build awareness about the stigma that people with lived experience using drugs face in their daily lives. These videos are meant to challenge the viewer to look closely at the people on the front lines of the opioid crisis and listen to their stories - drug users, service providers and community leaders - and leave feeling more compassion towards community members and work towards more inclusive community based solutions. Producer by ANKORS in partnership with Nelson Police and Funded by Community Action Initiative. Directed and Edited by Amy Bohigian, Camera by Bohdan Doval, Composer - Ben Euerby. Produced in 2018.
“WE ARE THE WOMEN OF TECK” – Promotional, 1:34
This video was produced for International Women's Day to celebrate the amazing women that work across the company. We were one of the camera units for this video, shooting footage at Trail Operations. Director B Camera Unit - Amy Bohigian, Cinematography - Jason Mannings. Produced in 2018.
"DESIGN THINKING AT SCHOOL" - Promotional , 5:32
Watershed worked on this fun and enlightening series of videos for Kootenay Lake School District. This one here features the way 'Design Thinking' is incorporating into the curriculum and classroom. These lucky kids and amazing educators bring hands on learning to a whole new level. Directed, shot and edited by Amy Bohigian, Original Music by Ben Euerby. Produced in 2019.
"PLACE-CONSCIOUS LEARNING" - Promotional, 4 Part Video Series
See the full series at: https://vimeo.com/sd8learns. A series of four videos that highlight the 'Place-Concsious Learning' initiative throughout Kootenay Lake School District. From K-12, these students are planting gardens, clearing trails and climbing rock faces as part of their student experience. Directed, shot and edited by Amy Bohigian, Original Music by Ben Euerby. Produced in 2019.
Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy is an amazing network of professionals across our region making an impact for individuals and families with an array of program for seniors, new immigrants, and little tikes and their families. Directed, Shot and Edited - Amy Bohigian, Voice Over - Sydney Black, Composer - Ben Euerby. Produced in 2018.
"IT'S THE LITTLE THINGS", Awareness Campaign - 6:22
This is Adam's story of getting seriously injured at TECK and the repercussions of that accident. It is being used as a training video for employees at TECK Trail Operations to raise awareness of the importance of using safe practices in the workplace. Director - Amy Bohigian, Camera - Bohdan Doval, Composer - Ben Euerby. Produced in 2018.
"FINDING AWESOME: FOOD AND CULTURE: CAPITOL THEATRE" Nelson and Kootenay Lake Tourism, 9 Part Video Series
The Food and Culture series takes us to the Capitol Theatre - THE destination for live theatre in Nelson. Starring/Co-Creator - Jenna Raider Skidmore, Camera - Bohdan Doval, Composer - Ben Euerby, Co-Creator/Editor - Amy Bohigian. Produced in 2018.
"FINDING AWESOME: FOOD AND CULTURE: KASLO HOTEL AND PUB" Nelson and Kootenay Lake Tourism, Series, 9 Part Video Series
Not everyday you head to The Kaslo Hotel in a Tesla, have a gourmet lunch and then head out up the pad at Stellar Heliskiing...YET, we did exactly that in this latest video for our Food and Culture Series. Starring/Co-Creator - Jenna Raider Skidmore, Camera - Bohdan Doval, Composer - Ben Euerby, Co-Creator/Editor - Amy Bohigian. Produced in 2018.
"FINDING AWESOME: FOOD AND CULTURE: WHITEWATER SKI RESORT" Nelson and Kootenay Lake Tourism, Series, 9 Part Video Series
What do you get when you combine Shelley Adams, of the iconic Whitewater Cooks, and Jenna Raider-Skidmore on an outing to our local ski hill? A fabulously fun foodie's dream lunch destination, skis optional. Starring/Co-Creator - Jenna Raider Skidmore, Camera - Bohdan Doval, Composer - Ben Euerby, Co-Creator/Editor - Amy Bohigian. Produced in 2017.
"FINDING AWESOME: FOOD AND CULTURE: ADVENTURE HOTEL" Nelson and Kootenay Lake Tourism, Series, 9 Part Video Series
Jenna Raider Skidmore is back alongside Lucas Myers in our latest video at the Adventure Hotel for the Culinary Culture series for Nelson Kootenay Lake Tourism. Starring/Co-Creator - Jenna Raider Skidmore, Camera - Bohdan Doval, Composer - Ben Euerby, Co-Creator/Editor - Amy Bohigian. Produced in 2017.
"FINDING AWESOME: FOOD AND CULTURE: FINLEY'S AND SAGE" Nelson and Kootenay Lake Tourism, Series, 9 Part Video Series
#4 in our Food and Culture series for Nelson and Nelson Kootenay Lake Tourism, this video features Jenna Raider Skidmore on a quest to have the best of both Finley's and Sage. Starring Heather Shippit, Krista Lynch, Patricia Henman, Lisel Forst, Sydney Leigh Black, and Patti Humphries and Tanya Marie Finley. Live Music by Melody Diachun and the Swing Bastards. Starring/Co-Creator - Jenna Raider Skidmore, camera - Bohdan Doval and composer - Ben Euerby, Co-Creator/Editor - Amy Bohigian. Produced in 2017.
"FINDING AWESOME: FOOD AND CULTURE: YUM SON & CANTINA DEL CENTRO" Nelson and Kootenay Lake Tourism, Series, 9 Part Video Series
This video features both YUM SON AND CANTINA DEL CENTRO, which is the third installment in the series "Food & Culture: Finding Awesome" created for Nelson and Kootenay Lake Tourism, which takes a closer look into the kitchens and behind the bars of our world-class culinary destination. Starring/Co-Creator - Jenna Raider Skidmore, camera - Bohdan Doval and composer - Ben Euerby, Co-Creator/Editor - Amy Bohigian. Produced in 2017.
"FINDING AWESOME: FOOD AND CULTURE: AINSWORTH HOT SPRINGS RESPORT" Nelson and Kootenay Lake Tourism, Series, 9 Part Video Series
This video features Ainsworth Hot Springs Resort, which is the second in the series "Food & Culture: Finding Awesome" created for Nelson and Kootenay Lake Tourism, which takes a closer look into the kitchens and behind the bars of our world-class culinary destination. Starring/Co-Creator - Jenna Raider Skidmore, camera - Bohdan Doval and composer - Ben Euerby, Co-Creator/Editor - Amy Bohigian. Produced in 2017.
"FINDING AWESOME: FOOD AND CULTURE: HUME HOTEL AND SPA" Nelson and Kootenay Lake Tourism, Series, 9 Part Video Series
This video features the Hume Hotel and Spa, which is the first in the series "Food & Culture: Finding Awesome" created for Nelson and Kootenay Lake Tourism, which takes a closer look into the kitchens and behind the bars of our world-class culinary destination. Starring/Co-Creator - Jenna Raider Skidmore, camera - Bohdan Doval and composer - Ben Euerby, Co-Creator/Editor - Amy Bohigian. Produced in 2017.
"TAKE YOU UP" Community Energy Association/Emotive - Promotional Campaign, 2:40
This promotional video "TAKE YOU UP" follows a family as they drive up the mountain in their electric vehicle in search of winter adventure. Watershed Productions worked in partnership with Accelerate Kootenays, Canada's first community-driven, collaborative strategy to build a clean transportation network. Funded by Community Energy Association, Fortis BC, BC Hydro, Columbia Basin Trust, Powertech Labs Inc., Regional District of Central Kootenay, Regional District of East Kootenays, and Regional District of Kootenay Boundary. Produced in 2017.
"THE ELDERS PROJECT" Kootenay Lake School District - Educational, 3 Part Video Series
This project was an initiative by the Kootenay Lake School District to capture the stories of Indigenous Elders in the region. The final videos will serve as the source content for a curriculum for students grades 3-12, as aboriginal education further integrates into the curriculum. Several students from South Nelson Elementary, Adam Roberts Elementary and Prince Charles Secondary School students participated in this project by drawing pictures in response to the Elders' stories. Ben Euerby created the original score of these videos, all 20-30 minutes in length. Amy Bohigian shot, directed and edited the videos. Produced in 2017.
"CAREER EXPLORATION SERIES"Kootenay Lake School District - Educational, 5 Part Video Series
Watershed Productions worked in collaboration with Kootenay Lake School District and the teachers and students Rosemont, Erickson and W.E. Graham Elementary Schools this Winter and Spring to make a series of videos that explore careers the students were interested in learning more about. We taught the students how to do everything from interviewing to editing. Our final videos feature Adham Shaikh's in his music studio, Grant Anderson at the Bakery at Save On Foods, Tara Halonen at Creston Veterinary Clinic, Brett Adams Whitecaps Soccer Coach and Memories of Indian Cuisine in Creston. The video series can be viewed on the SD8Learns channel on Vimeo. Produced in 2017.
"EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT SCREENING" Family Action Network - Awareness Campaign, 6:11
Family Action Network (FAN) has produced this video, featuring the voices of parents, early childhood professionals and community leaders to give information on the importance of checking your child’s development ‘early and often’ through the early years period. Produced in 2017.
"LEAD SAFE RENOVATION SERIES" THEP, Public Health Campaign, 8 Part Video Series
Watershed Productions worked with the Trail Area Health and Environment Program to complete a series of videos to help do-it-yourselfers and contractors complete lead safe renovations. We worked with seven households and one contractor to shoot a series of eight videos based on 'in progress' renovations happening in the Greater Trail region. Martin Gonzales shot the aerial footage, Daryl Jolly created all the graphics, Ben Euerby composed the original score and Amy Bohigian directed, shot (Panasonic GH4) and edited the video series. Watch the "Made in Trail" Lead Safe Renovation Videos here Produced in 2016.

"BEHIND THE SCENES OF LIBERATION DAYS" Capitol Theatre - Documentary Mentorship, 19:06
This 19-minute documentary "Behind the Scenes of Liberation Days" was created by Nelson high school students, Noah Gaffran, Aydin Long, Graeme Sherman, Dani Snell and Sebastian Bodine. Working in two groups, the youth were mentored by Amy Bohigian over the course of the show's rehearsals and backstage meetings to interview the cast and crew and document the creation of this play. The documentary explores the issues the characters face as the Dutch were liberated by Canadian troops at the end of WWII along with a candid look at how the Director and all the crew worked collaboratively to create an immersive drama on our local stage. The structure of the documentary was determined early on in the process and was pulled together by the team of filmmakers, as each youth chose a section of the documentary to edit. Thanks to Stephanie Fischer, Capitol Theatre Executive Director and Producer, for making this project possible. Produced in 2016.
"VOICES FROM THE MARGINS" - Educational/PSA, 8:41
Five youth ages 16-28 took pictures and provided the testimonials of their experiences dealing with substance use in the Kootenay Boundary Region of British Columbia. This video was created by Watershed Productions Inc. for the Caring Communities Conference at Selkirk College on May 14/15th, 2015. The organizations that were involved in the production of this video include: ANKORS, Freedom Quest, Caring Communities, Columbia Basin Trust and Selkirk College. Produced in 2015.
"THE FOREST GARDEN" Kootenay Lake School District - Educational, 7:26
Kootenay Lake/School District 8 wanted to showcase the innovative approach that Teresa Olleck, a grade one teacher from South Nelson Elementary School, takes to teach her students about nature and community. “The Forest Garden” video follows Teresa and her 21 students on their weekly trips to the community garden space join Nelson BC where they learn how to steward a public space and find delight in the animals and plants of the garden. Produced in 2015.

"BASIN STORIES" Columbia Basin Trust - Documentary/Educational, 12 Part Videos Series
Basin Stories is a series of twelve short documentaries, each between 5 and 10 minutes in length, that were created from over sixty interviews conducted throughout the Columbia Basin with displaced residents, biologists, First Nations people, elected officials, historians and former BC Hydro employees. Each video centres around a particular topic, like agriculture, electricity, and ecosystems, exploring how each was experienced in the Columbia Basin before, during and after the construction of the Columbia River Treaty dams. To view the videos visit the Columbia Basin Stories website here. Produced in 2013.
"WOMEN CREATING CHANGE" The Skills Centre - Educational/PSA, 5:43
Watershed Productions worked with Trail BC's Skills Centre and Women Creating Change to address the barriers that are currently happening in the region related to women and economic security. This video utilizes PhotoVoice to tell the personal stories of the women being directly impacted by poverty in the Lower Columbia Region. Produced in 2013.
[iframe id="https://www.youtube.com/embed/vZIqABiZua4"]
"KARRI'S STORY" - Educational Documentary, 11:53
This eleven minute documentary tells the story of Karri, a young adult who has grown up with FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.) Holly Biggar (Producer), Robyn Sheppard (Director) and Carolyn McCartney (Karri’s mom) invited Watershed Productions Inc. (editing, second camera and original music) to work on the this moving story about a girl becoming a woman, who, despite the numerous challenges of living with FASD, lives every day with the compassion and bravery we all wish to integrate into our lives.
The documentary will be utilized in school settings and at educational conferences to raise awareness about people living with FASD with the aim to create more inclusive settings in both classrooms and workplaces. For a link to the film (active November 2015) visit the Provincial Outreach Program for FASD website (POPFASD). Sandy Boscariol from POPFASD worked as a consultant for the film and will be working to ensure the film is seen across the province. Produced in 2015.
"ECOSAVE ENERGY RETROFITS PROGRAM" City of Nelson - Promotional, 5:04
EcoSave Energy Retrofits Program has been designed to simplify the process for homes and businesses to reduce energy consumption and lower greenhouse gases within the community. This program has been established as a key strategy in the City of Nelson's Low Carbon Path to 2040, Community Energy and Emissions Action Plan. Visit the EcoSave website to learn more. Produced in 2013.
"ONE BOOK ONE KOOTENAY - BRUCE KIRKBY" - Kootenay Library Federation - Promotional, 8:56
With leadership from the Kootenay Library Federation One Book One Kootenay celebrates the work of the wonderful writers living in the Kootenay Boundary. All three nominated authors were interviewed by Amy Bohigian about their books. Bruce Kirkby is featured here talking about his book "Dolphin's Tooth". For more information about OBOK visit: http://www.obok.ca/. Produced in 2013.
"NORTH AND SOUTH" - Documentary Mentorship, 37:38
The student-made documentary “North & South: a documentary” premiered on September 18th at the Civic Theatre in Nelson BC. See it here on Youtube. Amy Bohigian of Watershed Productions mentored the 17 LV Rogers students to plan, shoot and edit the 40 minute about their exchange experience with a group of youth from Fort McPherson, Northwest Territories.

"SURVIVING NOT THRIVING" BC Non-Profit Housing Association - Educational/PSA, 11:05
Watershed Productions worked with BC Non-Profit Housing Association to produce the Surviving Not Thriving DVD and Toolkit. The nine-minute video, featuring the photos and voices of women who are leaving violent relationships and who face barriers to housing, creates an emotional impact meant to inspire action from policy makers, stakeholders and the community-at-large. Produced in 2012.
"TEDx NELSON 2012 - ELENA BANFIELD" - Live Streamed Event, 7:24
Elena Banfield challenges our assumptions and performs a spoken word about her generation, the Gen Y'ers, at SelfDesign High's 3rd annual TEDx event on Saturday November 17th 2012 in Nelson, B.C. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. Check out the other 8 speakers from that inspirational event at the TEDx Youth site. Produced in 2012.
"TEDx NELSON 2012 - SAND ART" - Live Streamed Event, 9:38
A collaborative performance piece from SelfDesign High's 3rd annual TEDx event on Saturday November 17th 2012 in Nelson, B.C. The theme for 2012: What do youth need to thrive? About TEDx, x = independently organized event. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. Check out the other 8 speakers from that inspirational event at the TEDx Youth site. Produced in 2012.
"OSPREY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION" - Promotional Video, 4:55
The Osprey Community Foundation is a philanthropic organization that provides funding to improve the quality of life around Nelson, British Columbia. They connect people who care with causes that matter here in our community. This video was directed and edited by Amy Bohigian with production support from Vivien Bowers, Executive Director of the Osprey Community Foundation. http://www.ospreycommunityfoundation.ca/. Produced in 2012.
"ONE BOOK ONE KOOTENAY - RITS MOIR" Kootenay Library Federation - Promotional, 10:21
With leadership from the Kootenay Library Federation One Book One Kootenay celebrates the work of the wonderful writers living in the Kootenay Boundary. 2012 winner, Rita Moir, was all interviewed by Amy Bohigian about her book, The Third Crop, her writing process and the impact of living in the Kootenays on her writing style. For more information about OBOK, Rita Moir and her book, visit: http://www.obok.ca/ Produced in 2012.
People sang in the name of peace at Whitewater Ski Resort on Februrary 13, 2011. Performance directed by Bessie Wapp. Performers include Jonnine Mahonen, Lucas Myers, Anika, Logan Carlstrom, Felicity Blaiklock, Deb Kozak among dozens of chorus members. Video shot by Rachel Schmidt, Elijah Schmidt, Amy Fox and Amy Bohigian. Directed and edited by Amy Bohigian.
"TEDx NELSON 2010 ELISA TIMM-BOTTOS" - Live Streamed Event, 3:23
Elisa Timm-Bottos performs her poetry at Self Design High's Tedx talks, held in Nelson BC. Created in the spirit of TED’s mission, “ideas worth spreading,” the TEDx program is designed to give communities, organizations and individuals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED-like experiences at the local level. The video was broadcast live online during the event and was shot in collaboration with the SelfDesign Video Team from Vancouver, BC.
"JUDE DAVIDSON AT CAPITOL THEATRE" - Live Event, 4:02 (this song)
Jude Davison's Circo de Teatro - Live Performance at the Capitol Theatre in Nelson BC, January 2010. Produced, Directed and Edited by Amy Bohigian. Shot on Panasonic HVX200's operated by Amy Bohigian, Katherine Pettit and Peter Schramm. Produced in 2010.
"SELFDESIGN HIGH PEACE CAMPS" SelfDesignHigh - Promotional, 8:52
This video was a collaborative effort between the youth participants and Watershed Productions. All youth participants were given video training and cameras as an integral part of their Peacecamp experience. As a result, the final video is a combination of footage shot by the youth and Watershed Productions. Produced in 2009.
This video, one of six short 2-6 minute videos, provides an overview of The Centre for Innovative and Entrepreneurial Leadership. (CIEL) strengthens communities by helping them become more business-friendly, more culturally vibrant, and more sustainable. We also assist them in improving leadership and enhancing community involvement. Produced in 2008.

Rachel Yoder: A Life Constructed

Canada Council GG Artist

Canadian Olympic Committee

Capitol Theatre Promo

Wildfire Risk Reduction Series

Kootenay Career Development Society

Nelson Community Services

E-Recreation Experience

Winter Road Trip

Beyond the Stigma of Drug Use

Board Recruitment Video Series